Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Pre- taste TouRural
watch our project SPOT.

TouRural SPOT in national languages

SPOT with Slovak subtitles

Vo svete, kde pokoj je luxusom sa vidiecky turizmus dost8va do popredia ...

SPOT with Irish subtitles

I saol ina bhfuil suaimhneas ina só, tá an turasóireacht tuaithe ag fás...

SPOT with Italian subtitles

In un mondo dove la tranquillità è un lusso, il turismo rurale è in aumento...

SPOT with German subtitles

In einer Welt, in der Ruhe ein Luxus ist, erlebt der ländliche Tourismus einen Aufschwung...

SPOT with Polish subtitles

W świecie, w którym spokój jest luksusem, turystyka wiejska zyskuje na popularności...

Wondering about main focus of the project?

Educate SMEs

Discover the skills and competencies driving rural tourism development in Europe.
Explore experiential tourism, eco-friendly travel, and digital storytelling.

Educate Youngsters

Learn how to benefit from local natural treasures and intagible heritage.
Strenghten your digital competences.
Understand  how rural communities play a pivotal role.


Project Deliverables

Rural Tourism Business Guide
Campaign to promote Experiential tourism : podcasts, videos, flyers

Project Partners

Europea Slovakia (Association of Educational Establishments for Agriculture and Rural Development)
Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (VAEV) (Non-governmental organization, Vienna)
Eurospeak Limited (Educational technology consulting company dedicated to delivering educational products)
LUETEB (No-profit organization - ONLUS in Italy)
Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Rolniczej i Lesnej EUROPEA (Association of agricultural and forestry schools and institutions)