2022 - 1 - SK01 - KA220 - VET – 000085917


Check out our green podcasts and project videos below to discover more about our project!

Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

One click and listen.

The Guide

Integer ac vehicula eros, sed dictum sapien. Donec dignissim porttitor ante, sit amet placerat dui. Donec mollis vel arcu.

La Fiorita

Integer ac vehicula eros, sed dictum sapien. Donec dignissim porttitor ante, sit amet placerat dui. Donec mollis vel arcu.

Social Media Campaign

Integer ac vehicula eros, sed dictum sapien. Donec dignissim porttitor ante, sit amet placerat dui. Donec mollis vel arcu.

Video with voiceover



We understand that not everyone may be comfortable with English. If you find it challenging to follow along, we encourage you to watch the video (visualised podcast) in your national language for a better experience. Please select the video option that best suits you— our videos with different subtitles are already available below. You can watch the videos in: Slovak, Polish, Irish, Italian and German based on your preference. Enjoy the content!

Vizualizované podcasty so slovenskými titulkami

Preklad: Europea Slovakia

Náš tím preložil podcasty a videá aj do slovenčiny, aby ste pri ich počúvaní (sledovaní) lepšie chápali detaily a mali z nich väčší zážitok.

Podcast visualizzati con sottotitoli in italiano

Tradotto da: Lueteb

Il nostro team ha tradotto i podcast e i video anche in italiano, affinché possiate comprendere meglio i dettagli mentre li ascoltate (guardate) e goderne di più.

Podchraoltaí le feiceáil le fo-scríbhinní i nGaeilge

Aistrithe ag: Eurospeak ltd.

Rinneamar ár bhfoireann podchraoltaí agus físeáin a d'aistrigh freisin go Gaeilge, ionas go dtig leat na sonraí a thuiscint níos fearr agus taitneamh a bhaint astu níos mó agus tú ag éisteacht (ag faire).

Visualisierte Podcasts ins Deutsche übersetzt.

Uebesetzung: VAEV

Unser Team hat die Podcasts und Videos auch ins Deutsche übersetzt, damit Sie beim Hören (Ansehen) die Details besser verstehen und mehr Freude daran haben.

Wizualizowane podcasty przetłumaczone na język polski

Tłumaczenie: Europea Polska

Nasz zespół przetłumaczył podcasty i filmy również na polski, abyście mogli lepiej rozumieć szczegóły podczas ich słuchania (oglądania) i mieli z nich większą przyjemność.

Enjoy our expert videos

Enjoy video of Masseria la Fiorita, didactic farm and our personal experience. Project partners cooking.
Check also an interview with an owner of La Cantina del Vesuvio. Interesting and inspiring!

Of course, the expert video (interview) has been translated into our national languages! Enjoy!

  • Natürlich wurde das Expert Video (Interview) in unsere nationalen Sprachen übersetzt! Viel Spaß!
  • Samozrejme, odborné video (interview) bolo preložené do našich národných jazykov! Prajeme vám príjemné sledovanie!
  • Certo, il video (intervista) dell'esperto è stato tradotto nelle nostre lingue nazionali! Buon divertimento!
  • Ar ndóigh, tá an físeán (agallamh) saineolaigh aistrithe go dtí ár teangacha náisiúnta! Bain sult as!
  • Oczywiście film (wywiad) fachowy został przetłumaczony na nasze języki narodowe! Miłej zabawy!

Check out TouRural SPOT

TouRural Project SPOT to promote the project and inspire and motivate others is available! Enjoy the ride! :)
The same promotional SPOT is available on our homepage in 5 different language versions. For your convenience, our team has translated the content to improve your experience.